Sunday, 20 April 2014

UDK Update

So I started putting things into UDK (still trying to figure it out a bit!). I can't seem to get a collision mesh working with the Maya FBX format in UDK so I've been having to import into 3DS Max and exporting it as an ASE format, which is the most annoying thing in the word. I'm not really sure what's wrong with it. I get the feeling it has something to do with the way I'm doing my collision mesh but I've been told to do it one way so I'm going to stick with it. I have a collision working on one of my floating islands but not on anything else yet. My internet is being terrible and I have to download 3DS Max again so I'm being delayed currently so I though I'd make another update. I started with one size:

I though this was a suitable size but then I realised the player was taller than the door to the temple so I decided to make it bigger.

I then edited the size so it was big enough for the player and it came out like this which looks a lot better in my opinion. I like the fact that the temple is towering over the player and the statue is now almost fading into the distance in mist. I going to try and get a lot more into UDK over this week (If it will allow me to that is!) I need to edit the rest of the islands that another from my team has given me so they are walk able and try to get it all working so I can open the damned file without a problem. Hopefully I'll figure it out!!

Thanks for reading :)

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