Thursday, 20 March 2014

Ninja Theory - Business Module

Ninja theory are a game company based in Cambridge. They are the company that made Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and DMC: Devil May Cry. These games are heavily influenced by story and this is the reason I love them. My favorite is probably Heavenly Sword. I love the characters Nariko because of her strong character and Kai for her interesting design and personality. Here are the designs:

 I have in fact, based a majority of the characters I've designed on Heavenly swords Nariko because of her personality and image. I enjoyed the game for the story immensely and the likeable characters (including Andy Serkis as the villan!!) have left they're mark on myself and I feel that they have influenced my own characters rather a lot. I love Nariko's design:

I love the hair!

 Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is another game that has a great storyline with likable characters (again Andy Serkis is involved!!) it's a story about 'Monkey' who is forced into defending the character Trip on her journey back to her village. She forces a 'slave headband' onto him, which allows her to control him. If she dies so does he so he's forced into protecting her. It's an interesting game with good game mechanics.
 Give both of them a try!

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